On May 31, 11 00:59, Jose Armando Garcia wrote:

Walter, what do you think about adding __MODULE__ to the language? It
will work similar to __FILE__ and __LINE__ but instead get replaced by
the name of the module. This would be really useful for std.log's
verbosity filtering feature.

I can send a pull request once I am familiar with dmd's code.


I'd recommend making __MODULE__ return the actual module object instead of the module name, in case anybody wants to implement it. The latter can be easily got by __MODULE__.stringof[7..$] or parsing std.traits.mangledName!__MODULE__ if you need the fully-qualified name, but the reverse is not true.

Moreover, making __MODULE__ a true module object allows a global scope be passed around implicitly, e.g. currently you need to write

    int f(int x) { return x*x-2; }
    void main() {
      auto m = map!((y){ return f(y)+1; })([1,6,8]);
      //            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ugly

but with __MODULE__ it is possible to reduce the syntactic noise:

      auto m = map!"f(a)+1"([1,6,8]);

by declaring std.functional.unaryFun as

    template unaryFun(alias f, ....., alias mod=__MODULE__) {
       with (mod) {

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