Am 09.06.2011 01:17, schrieb Adam D. Ruppe:
> I find it interesting that so many people complain about the lack
> of libraries.
> software library: a way to waste a programmer's time
> reinventing wheels: a lie some programmers, who are paid by the
> hour, perpetuated so they can justify the "use" of software libraries
> The project could have been done in one day if he just sat down and
> got to work. Instead, he made up some bullshit about how reinventing
> wheels is bad.
> Thus, he now spends 3 days searching for a library. Another 5
> days trying to make it work. Another 10 days reading the
> godawful documentation. A day bitching about the suckiness on the
> internet.
> Then, finally, two days to integrate the library into his project.
> For bonus points, force the end users to install it too, because
> the more time wasted, the better.


This really depends on what you want the library to do. If you can
implement it yourself in a day.. great. Especially using fat libraries
for trivial features (=> you just use a very small part of it) is stupid.

OTOH libraries are (hopefully) tested and stable - even if you can hack
together similar functionality in a day or two, you may still have bugs
that could be avoided by using a library.

And if what you want is non-trivial it gets much worse.. you'd maybe
need weeks to implement it and much much longer until it's really stable.

I guess few people really want to reimplement OpenSSLs functionality
(even though the library is a PITA to use as far as I know) - it'd take
a lot of effort and you'd rather want to use a well tested library for
critical security stuff.

Another example is GUI libraries - sure, maybe you can write one
yourself, but you usually want one that integrates with the desktop
environment you're using, so you probably either end up either using the
C-bindings of an existent GUI library or a D-wrapper thereof.

So I can understand that people want better library support for D -
especially for non-trivial stuff.
Is there any crossplatform GUI lib that is really ready to use yet? (OK,
maybe GtkD, but many people dislike Gtk, especially when they're using
Windows, OSX or KDE. QtD and DWT aren't that stable yet AFAIK.)
What about crypto stuff?
And there certainly are other examples for libraries providing features
you usually don't want to implement yourself.

- Daniel

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