"Michel Fortin" <michel.for...@michelf.com> wrote in message 
> I understand it's tiresome to create an enum for every parameter, but 
> asking all users to write Flag!"" everywhere is going to be tiresome 
> everywhere else, which is hardly an improvement.

Excellent point.

> I also think you are narrowing the problem a little too much. The problem 
> exists everywhere there is a boolean parameter.

And not just bools, either. Graphics libraries typically have the same 
problem in spades, much more than Phobos. But with numbers, not bools. Even 
a Flag expanded to allow *any* enum is still insufficient for that. It seems 
like your design strategy here is (unintentionally, of course) focusing 
primarily on Phobos's own needs rather than really looking out much beyond 

> This includes phobos, druntime, and potentially any other D library. 
> Should Flag!"" become the recommended way to make boolean parameters in D? 
> And should creating a separate Ddoc version of the function signature 
> become the recommended way to document boolean parameters? If so, I think 
> it'll reflect badly on the language.

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