Am 11.06.2011 14:07, schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu:
On 6/11/11 4:58 AM, Mafi wrote:
Am 11.06.2011 01:16, schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu:
Ask, and ye shall receive.

I like this version much more but shouldn't it also be
flag.KeepTerminator for consistency?


Not sure I understand. How do you mean that?


I meant something like this:

template FlagImpl(string name) {
        enum FlagImpl : bool {
                yes = true, no = false

//usage Flag.xy as alias for FlagImpl!"xy"
//to be consistent with yes.xy and no.xy
struct Flag {
        template opDispatch(string name) {
                alias FlagImpl!name opDispatch;

Now, opDispatch cannot currently be a type, can it.

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