On 2011-06-11 09:05:52 -0400, "Steven Schveighoffer" <schvei...@yahoo.com> said:

As far as the negation, I think we need one more layer of type:

struct FlagParam(string pname)
    Flag!pname value;
    alias value this;
    this(Flag!pname x) { this.value = x }
    FlagParam op???() const { return FlagParam(cast(Flag!pname)!value); }

BTW, is there a way to hook "!"? Maybe this won't work... The idea is to have Yes.abc return FlagParam!"abc"(Flag!"abc".yes).

If you need to convert a bool to a Flag!"abc", you can do any of these:

        func(expression ? Yes.abc : No.abc);



or, with your proposal:


None of this is very appealing, but I find the first is the most readable.

Michel Fortin

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