On 6/14/11 11:26 AM, Graham Fawcett wrote:
On Tue, 14 Jun 2011 10:31:59 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 6/14/11 10:27 AM, Graham Fawcett wrote:
On Tue, 14 Jun 2011 08:53:16 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:




What's the expected payload format? A text/plain D source-file? A zip
or tar archive?

Text for now.

If an archive, what's the required directory layout? Should
"dsource.foo.baz" be required to be in "/dsource/foo/baz.d" within the

I agree we need to address these in the future, and also binary
distributions (e.g. .di files + .a/.lib files).

And if not an archive, how to reasonably handle multi-file packages?

Consider a library "acme" consisting of three files: widgets.d,
gadgets.d, fidgets.d in "http://acme.com/d/";. It also depends on the
external library monads on "http://nad.mo/d";.

// User code:
pragma(lib, acme, "http://acme.com/d/";); import acme.widgets;
... use ...

// widgets.d
// Assume it depends on other stuff in the same lib // and on monads.d
pragma(lib, monads, "http://nad.mo/d/";); import acme.gadgets,
acme.fidgets, monads.io;

This is all that's needed for the compiler to download and compile
everything needed.

So, to clarify:

pragma(lib, acme, "http://acme.com/d/";);

...establishes a "prefix" relationship: modules names prefixed with
"acme." may be found at URLs prefixed with "http://acme.com/d/";. So we
would expect to find:

   acme.widgets         at  http://acme.com/d/widgets.d
   acme.widgets.core.x  at  http://acme.com/d/widgets/core/x.d



Yes, that's the intent. I added an explanation and an example to subsection "Package case".


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