On 6/30/2011 12:22 PM, Adam Ruppe wrote:
Being easy and simple is more important to me than being fancy.

Exactly. Having every "would be nice if" feature can just sink a project with it's dead weight.

Back in the 80's, the company I worked for bought a profiling tool for C. Nobody ever used it. I figured part of the problem was the manual was an inch thick. That simply discouraged anyone from bothering to invest the effort to learn it.

That's why the profiler for dmd is:

  dmd foo.d -profile

Sadly, still nobody uses the profiler.

Reminds me of a Bjarne Stroustrup comment when he joked that decades ago, he imagined that it would be great if using a computer were as simple as using a phone. He said that dream came true :-)

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