The recent discussions about package managers and buildsystems has prompted 
me to get off my ass (or rather, *on* my ass as per how programming is 
usually performed...) and start on the D-based rake-inspired buildtool I've 
been meaning to make for awhile now. It's not actually usable yet, but 
there's a sample drakefile demonstrating everything, and it does actually 
compile and run (but just doesn't build the dependency tree or actually run 
any of the build steps). *Should* work on Posix, but I only tested on 
Windows, so I may have fucked up the Posix version...

Apologies to Jacob Carlborg for the name being so close to "dake". Didn't 
really know what else to call it ("Duck", maybe?) Like dake, it's inspired 
by Ruby's Rake. But unlike dake, the buildscript is written in D instead of 
Ruby, which was my #1 reason for making a Rake alternative.

Before I go implemeting everything, I'd like to get input on it. Is it 
something that could be a major D tool?

Overview of Drake and links to all the code are here: 

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