On 2011-07-19 16:46, Russel Winder wrote:
There is clearly a string coupling between configuration and package
management.   Autoconf, Waf and SCons have to be portable across package
management since they are not dedicated to one scheme -- springing up as
they did from before package management as standard.


There are some potentially tricky issues here.  Ruby gets round it by
having a language specific package and build system which therefore
causes Debian, Fedora, FreeBSD, Macports, Fink, etc. packagers massive
headaches.  Haskell/Cabal, Python/Eggs, etc.  The conflict between
language packaging and platform packaging is central.  Having a D
language packaging system that was in some way harmonious with Apt/Deb,
Yum/RPM, Ports, etc. would make a lot of people very happy.  Indirectly
it would make traction a whole lot easier.  As evidence I present Java,
Ruby, Python, Haskell, etc.

The whole point of having a D package manager is so I don't have to create packages for all these system specific package managers.

/Jacob Carlborg

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