Am 02.08.2011 01:51, schrieb Piotr Szturmaj:
> Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>> I think that it would be useful to query the community for what piece of
>> library functionality they don't currently have in D and would most
>> like to
>> see. For instance, there is no official logging framework in D or any
>> 3rd party
>> libraries which do it AFAIK. So, that could be one type of
>> functionality that
>> you may like to see. Now, there is a prospective implementation for
>> std.log
>> which shouldn't be all that far away from being reviewed, so listing
>> that here
>> wouldn't be all that useful, since it's on its way. But what other major
>> functionality do you miss in D that other languages' that you use have
>> available in their libraries?
>> My hope here would be that we could get some good ideas going here
>> such that
>> we have can have a better idea what type of functionality it would be
>> particularly useful to be working on for Phobos or 3rd party D
>> libraries for
>> the community, and maybe it'll even get some people to actually go and
>> work on
>> these ideas so that we can improve the libraries that we have to work
>> with in
>> D. We can always use more help, and we definitely need a richer library
>> ecosystem for D. But even just discussing ideas could be of benefit.
>> So, what major functionality which we don't currently have would you
>> like to
>> see in either Phobos or in a 3rd party library so that you could use
>> it in
>> your D programs?
>> - Jonathan M Davis
> 1. Cryptography (I already wrote all SHA hash implementations and HMAC,
> they will be open sourced under Boost license, I'm also working on
> Rijndael/AES impl.)
> some of the proposed namespaces (just thinking loud):
> std.crypto.cipher - block and stream ciphers
> std.crypto.hash - message digests (SHA1, RIPEMD, ...)
> std.crypto.mac - message auth codes like HMAC, CMAC, UMAC
> std.crypto.mode - block cipher modes like CBC, GCM, ...
> std.crypto.padding - padding schemes
> std.crypto.pki - asymmetric cryptography (RSA), PKI
> std.crypto.x509 - certificate support

could be used.

- Daniel

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