"Andrej Mitrovic" <andrej.mitrov...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> There's a win32 curses-like library around afaik. It uses escape codes
> instead of WinAPI calls.

Hmm, see that's the problem, the ANSI escape codes don't really exist in 


Granted, that doesn't cite any sources, unfortunately. But my experience 
porting the download progress bar in DVM to Windows supports what that 
Wikipedia article says. I had to rip out the escape codes and just use 
carriage-return (without line-feed).

Although I suppose it's possible there are non-ANSI escape codes that I'm 
not aware of.

> Btw I've tried using WinAPI for console coloring, it's so damn clumsy
> to use. -_-

I've never used it, but I don't doubt that. The WinAPI can be pretty clumsy 
in general (due in no small part to being so C-centric).

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