Dmitry Olshansky:

> To get a small no-crap-included beta package see download section of 
> for .7zs.

When you write some English text you don't write a single block of text, you 
organize it into paragraphs, and paragraphs into chapters, chapters into 
sections, sections into books, etc. Time ago I have understood that paragraphs 
are very good in source code too.

So I suggest you to add a blank line here and there inside your functions to 
separate them into paragraphs. I can't give you a style rule, you will need to 
create your own style, but often a function that's more than 10 lines line long 
needs one or more blank lines inside (some people say that every time you see 
one of such paragraphs in a function, especially if it has a comment before it, 
then you need to perform an "extract method" to improve the code. I believe 
this is a bad advice).

I see no contracts in the code (I mean the ones with assert inside, instead of 
enforce). I suggest Walter to fix this situation. One idea is to include two 
versions of Phobos lib in the zip of the dmd distribution, one with asserts 
compiled in and one without, and let DMD import from the correct library 
according to the compilation flags.

Some solution to this problem is getting urgent, because Phobos is growing 
without the use of one of the nicest features of D (contract programming). 
Solving this problem is more urgent than having an excellent regex library in 
Phobos. If people don't use contract programming much, is because you can't use 
it in Phobos.


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