On Sat, 13 Aug 2011 13:51:47 +0300, Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisp...@gmx.com> wrote:

Also, if you parse the value from
uname, it generally has the distro's name in it, and as long as a particular
distro is consistent in how it puts its name in that string, it should be
possible to parse out the name and determine what the correct OS enum value

Really? I've *never* seen the `uname -a` shell command (which I assume is just a thin syscall wrapper) print out the distro name.

#2 and #3 don't really make sense between OSes, and I'd argue that they don't
make much sense period. I don't know what they'd mean on Windows in any
meaningful way. On Linux, I suppose that they could be the major and minor numbers of the kernel (e.g. 2 and 6 or 3 and 0), but that's pretty useless on Linux, given that they don't change very often. At this point, there would only really be two options: 2.6 and 3.0. And I don't know how major and minor
could be applied to OS X or FreeBSD.
So, with some work, it does seem like it could be possible to do #1, which
might be useful, but I don't see much point in #2 or #3.

While perhaps abstract version numbers don't make much sense to programs, they can be useful information for the program's users. For example, adding OS version numbers to log files may help troubleshooting.

Best regards,
 Vladimir                            mailto:vladi...@thecybershadow.net

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