On 2011-08-15 15:11, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
What could happen though, is this situation:

a.d pragma's foo.bar as being http://somedreposiotry.com/foo/barv1.0
b.d includes the repository path http://somedrepository.com, whose
default foo.bar goes to foo/barv2.0, but b does not depend on foo.bar

That would be a problem.

I don't think a.d's pragma should include b's pragma, or vice versa.
Especially if it is some sort of weird import order precedent.

It's just much simpler to say "b's pragma only affects b, and a's pragma
only affects a." However, I think we need to add that any files imported
via a pragma implicitly include that path. I should probably add that to
the DIP.

I guess so.

Obviously if a.d depends on foo.bar, and b.d depends on foo.bar, but the
locations are different, it should be a compiler error.



My original concern was to have to add pragmas to every D file. That is not a solution that will last long. But if you can add a compiler flag instead I guess that's ok.

/Jacob Carlborg

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