On Sat, 03 Sep 2011 11:50:25 +0200, Christophe <trav...@phare.normalesup.org> wrote:

void main()
     auto foo = (int x = 10){ /* */ }
      void delegate() bar = { return foo(); }

the compiler could in theory just automatically insert a thunk like

That sounds reasonable.

This look like a library solution would be best.
I suppose you want to store a homogeneous list of delegates.
Actually std.bind should do exactly this, but the module is broken and needs a rewrite.

You should also be able to use std.functional's curry but it turns out it's implementation
can't handle anything but two parameter functions.
I'll make a pull request for this one though. Then you should be able to do 'alias curry!(foo, 10) bar'


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