On Sat, 03 Sep 2011 23:03:18 +0200, Timon Gehr <timon.g...@gmx.ch> wrote:

On 09/03/2011 03:12 PM, Martin Nowak wrote:
On Sat, 03 Sep 2011 11:50:25 +0200, Christophe
<trav...@phare.normalesup.org> wrote:

void main()
auto foo = (int x = 10){ /* */ }
void delegate() bar = { return foo(); }

the compiler could in theory just automatically insert a thunk like

That sounds reasonable.

This look like a library solution would be best.
I suppose you want to store a homogeneous list of delegates.
Actually std.bind should do exactly this, but the module is broken and
needs a rewrite.

You should also be able to use std.functional's curry but it turns out
it's implementation
can't handle anything but two parameter functions.
I'll make a pull request for this one though. Then you should be able to
do 'alias curry!(foo, 10) bar'


Make sure to call the new implementation 'partial' or similar.

Sounds reasonable, but someone should write an implementation of 'curry' then. Besides does anybody know how to get 'deprecated alias old new' to actually bark?


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