Recent threads discuss how D should incorporate a mechanism to version 
E.g. std.xml[2], vs. std.stdio and std.regex[p]. 
My question is WHY?

D *already* employes Git and there is no point in reimplementing it inside the 
D language/tools.
I suggest this simple zero-implementation scheme [KISS!]:
use git tags to tag Phobos releases and advertise the decided upon version 
scheme in the docs. Make sure to document APIs with the minimum required Phobos 
release version [git tag!] and add a "Releases" web-page that documents API 
If someone needs a specific (older) version of e.g. std.xml he/she will simply 
download the specific version of Phobos already available publicly online. 

I think that std.stdio is not KISS and should be deprecated in favor of

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