Vladimir Panteleev Wrote:

> On Thu, 08 Sep 2011 20:58:53 +0300, foobar <f...@bar.com> wrote:
> > Recent threads discuss how D should incorporate a mechanism to version  
> > symbols/modules.
> > E.g. std.xml[2], std.io vs. std.stdio and std.regex[p].
> > My question is WHY?
> >
> > D *already* employes Git and there is no point in reimplementing it  
> > inside the D language/tools.
> > I suggest this simple zero-implementation scheme [KISS!]:
> > use git tags to tag Phobos releases and advertise the decided upon  
> > version scheme in the docs. Make sure to document APIs with the minimum  
> > required Phobos release version [git tag!] and add a "Releases" web-page  
> > that documents API changes.
> > If someone needs a specific (older) version of e.g. std.xml he/she will  
> > simply download the specific version of Phobos already available  
> > publicly online.
> What happens when you want to use two libraries which require different  
> incompatible versions of the same module?
> How do you suggest to tag every book/article/etc. with a module/Phobos  
> version to use?
> Moreso:
> Phobos pretty much walks hand-in-hand with Druntime and the compiler.  
> You'll find that it won't be easy to make today's Phobos version work with  
> DMD from two compiler versions ago. There's also the inter-dependencies  
> between Phobos modules themselves.
> Your advice could simply be extended to "if you don't want your code to  
> break when updating D, don't update D".
> -- 
> Best regards,
>   Vladimir                            mailto:vladi...@thecybershadow.net

Since Phobos walks hand-in-hand with Druntime and the compiler it makes even 
more sense to tie them together with the _same_ version number. You are correct 
in that if you depend on an old deprecated version of D, you shouldn't expect 
to update D  to a newer incompatible version and expect your code to work 
without any changes. This is completely orthogonal to the question of which 
mechanism is used for release management.
Corollary: How do you suggest to tag every book/article/etc. Which module 
name(s) would you employ? xml vs. xml2? stdio vs. io?

Breaking API changes should be minimized regardless of mechanism employed.

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