On 2011-09-29 21:42, Tobias Pankrath wrote:

* For the unit tests I've used my own kind of micro unit test framework
(that is included). Is that something we want to have in general in
Phobos so other modules can take advantage of that?

There should be something in Phobos. This should involve two steps.

First define a protocol, so that multiple unittest libraries can
be used in one project (i.e a library uses A and another B). Than
write a library on top of this.

My suggestion for a protocol would be something simple as:

1. There should only be one approach to unittest used per module
2. If you replace the test runner, call the old one first.

My unit test framework does two things, provides a some form of context for the tests; and it catches all assert exceptions to let other tests continue. It also gives a quite nice report of what tests failed.

/Jacob Carlborg

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