
> what would there be to verify or enforce in this case?

There are type system features like memory zones, linear types, uniqueness 
typing, and so on, that are able to enforce similar invariants. D lacks those 
type system features, so it can't enforce that a restricted pointer is actually 
unique. D Zen seems to not appreciate annotations that can't be enforced (this 
is not a hard rule). This is one of the possible explanations for the lack of 

> How difficult is it to contribute to D in these areas?

There are contributors that write more than one compiler patch (pull requests 
in GitHut) every week, and they often get merged in the main compiler, 
especially when they are good, and their need is "obvious" or it was already 
discussed in the D newsgroups and accepted. It's not easy to write good 
compiler patches, but it's clearly doable if you are good.

> Is that something
> that is encouraged, or is D still too embryonic to have random people coming
> along and adding things here and there?

There are a large number of open bugs in Bugzilla, front-end bugs too, so 
creating pull requests/patches that fix them is encouraged. Even some small 
enhancement requests, when they are clearly good and they are backwards 
compatible, are often accepted. Breaking changes are less easily accepted, they 
probably require a precedent discussion in D newsgroups. Regarding significant 
enhancement pull requests (like adding a @restrict, or like this one:  that is sleeping there 
for a lot of time), they need discussion first, and are accepted slowly, and 
not surely.


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