Michel Fortin Wrote:

> On 2011-10-21 03:47:55 +0000, Sam Hu <samhudotsa...@gmail.com> said:
> > Greetings!
> > 
> > I once downloaded from this NG the xml library for D2,but now I can not 
> > find that link again.I am wondering is there any updates on this 
> > library,if yes,could you please provide me the link?
> > 
> > Thanks and best regards,
> > Sam
> I think you're referring to my two XML modules. You're probably looking 
> for one of those links:
> http://michelf.com/docs/d/mfr-xml-2010-10-19.zip
> http://michelf.com/docs/d/mfr/xml.html
> http://michelf.com/docs/d/mfr/xmltok.html
> It probably work fine, but I don't intend to put much more work in it 
> (nor am I using it much). I made an incomplete proof of concept for a 
> buffered input range once from it, but I don't think that's part of the 
> package above.
> If someone want to improve those modules and republish them, feel free. 
> Boost license and all.
> -- 
> Michel Fortin
> michel.for...@michelf.com
> http://michelf.com/
They are exactly what I want.Appreciate!

I don't care they are incomplet,just love the  design which fit my taste.


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