On 10/29/11 9:21 AM, dsimcha wrote:
On 10/29/2011 2:03 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 10/27/11 6:53 PM, dsimcha wrote:
On 10/27/2011 7:14 PM, Trass3r wrote:
Dimitry's FReD library review looks to have been a success.

What about the other GSoC projects, esp. the linear algebra stuff?

David Nadlinger's Thrift project can't go into Phobos because of
licensing IIUC and probably doesn't belong in a standard library anyhow.

I think it would be great to push it in Phobos - at least in etc. What
are the licensing issues?

On second thought I guess none with just the bindings.

Great. I'll get in touch with David regarding further evolution.

Cristi Cobzarenco's SciD project isn't thoroughly fleshed out and
debugged enough for Phobos yet.

There seems to be activity on SciD. Are you or someone you know
interested in working on a submission?

Triangular and symmetric matrixes are very buggy and missing features
right now. Cristi has indicated that he's extremely busy with school but
will eventually start working on SciD again. I don't think it's ready
for prime time until these features work well.

I understand. The way I see it, if SciD can't be considered functional without triangular and symmetric matrices, then we counted an unfinished project as successfully completed. This is an imperfection of our GSoC planning and scrutiny process that we should fix in the future.

We shouldn't expect and wait that Cristi will restart work on the project. His future participation would be of course gladly welcome, but we should make nothing contingent upon that.

With that in mind, let me ask again: is there someone in the community willing to do what it takes to put SciD through the Phobos review process?



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