On 10/29/2011 10:59 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I understand. The way I see it, if SciD can't be considered functional
without triangular and symmetric matrices, then we counted an unfinished
project as successfully completed. This is an imperfection of our GSoC
planning and scrutiny process that we should fix in the future.

We shouldn't expect and wait that Cristi will restart work on the
project. His future participation would be of course gladly welcome, but
we should make nothing contingent upon that.

With that in mind, let me ask again: is there someone in the community
willing to do what it takes to put SciD through the Phobos review process?



If Cristi never gets around to resuming work on SciD, I'll work on it slowly but surely. I agree SciD is unfinished, but this was at least partly due to unforeseen things like compiler bugs and the last-minute decision to change things over to COW/value semantics and other misc. scope creep. IMHO Cristi did a very good job under the circumstances and there's no way I could complain/fail him for not finishing triangular/symmetric matrices before the GSoC deadline, if that's what you're implying. Writing a full scientific lib in a summer is pretty ambitious and I'm just glad that we got so far off the ground.

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