On 10/30/2011 07:18 PM, Steve Teale wrote:
I'm probably slightly crazy, but I have this urge to associate the
digitalmars.D group with some well known group of leaders.

Now I'd guess that still the best-known bunch would still be the allied
leaders from WW2.

So I guess that whether he likes it or not, I have to cast W. as
Churchill - it was he who took on the burden in the first place.

But the others. Who is Roosevelt, who Eisenhower, Montgomery, Patton and
so on? And most provocatively, who is Stalin?

A little relaxation - let's hear your views.


2012    First integration of the D programming language into several
        Linux distributions
2013    Libraries such as gtkd, qtd, derelict now have their
        packages in the distro.
2014    The language enters the top 10 in the Tiobe entry. From
        this point forward major companies start thinking of D as
        an option. Facebook starts using D.
2016    "D programming language" second edition by Andrei Alexandrescu
2018    ISO standardisation of the D programming language.
2020    Department of defence impressed about the D programming language
2020    First Terminator programmed with the D programming language.
2022    Software was programmed so well that it becomes self aware.
        World war begins.
2023    John Connor asks W. to find a weakness in the code.
        W. finds a bug in phobos and fixes it,
        making all Terminators impenetrable to software attacks.
        John Connor goes wtf.
        W. goes "I've got to think about my reputation as a
2024    The machines take over the world.
        W. is Miles Dyson of Cyberdyne Systems.

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