On 10/30/2011 09:00 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
On 10/30/2011 11:18 AM, Steve Teale wrote:
who is Stalin?

"One pointer bug is a tragedy. A million pointer bugs is a statistic."
- Joseph Ceelin.

"Are you laboring under the impression that I can compile this code of
yours? I can't even open the file."
- Franklin D. Rubysvelt

"Now I want you to remember that no programmer ever made an app work by
following best practices. He made it work by making the other poor dumb
programmer work his ass off."
- George S. Phppon

"The inherent vice of static typing is the unequal sharing of bugs; the
inherent virtue of dynamic typing is the equal sharing of crashes."
- Winston C#arphill

Nice :-D

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