
It you want to reduce duplication of long code, you can use string mixin.
enum code = q{ ...long code... };
static if (is(typeof({ mixin(code); })))

Kenji Hara

2011/10/31 Mehrdad <wfunct...@hotmail.com>:
> I've written this piece of code a fair number of times:
>     static if (is(typeof(foo()))) { foo(); }
>     else { bar(); }
> When the expression inside the condition (i.e. the call to foo()) gets
> complicated, you get lots of code duplication and things become harder to
> read.
> So I'm thinking, why not just introduce a 'static try'?
> Something like:
>    static try
>    {
>        foo();
>    }
>    catch  // (string ex)  // perhaps let them know what the error is?
>    {
>        bar();
>    }
> It's a clean and immensely readable improvement IMO, and it doesn't
> introduce any new keywords or any breaking changes to anything.
> How's the idea?

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