On Tue, 01 Nov 2011 14:55:45 -0400, J Arrizza <cppge...@gmail.com> wrote:


I see,  but here's IsStaticArray from traits.d

template isStaticArray(T : U[N], U, size_t N)
    enum bool isStaticArray = true;

template isStaticArray(T)
    enum bool isStaticArray = false;

It looks like the first version is using the "[]" format. It is different
in that it has the [N] and then goes on to specify that N is a size_t.

Template specification is weird, similar looking things can have *completely different* meanings.

The compiler uses a lot of deduction to match template parameters. There are many forms of specialization and comparison.

The equivalent for your case would be:

void abc(T : U[], U) (T parm1)

In other words, "type T is a form of U[], where U is another type".

You should read the spec on how templates work here:


Pay close attention to argument deduction.

Another good section to read is the "is expression":



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