On 04.11.2011 18:27, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Friday, November 04, 2011 08:11 Dejan Lekic wrote:
Manu wrote:
Seems like a horrible assumption to make when inventing a systems
programming language that intends to go head to head with C/C++ :)

FYI, C/C++ also have cpuid, and it is also pretty low-level like in D (ie.
developers rarely use cpuid.h directly). You should not (in practice) use
"core" modules anyway.

And why not? Thread is in core. So are other modules that it's perfectly
normal and acceptable to use. There's nothing wrong with using core modules.
Many of them are _intended_ to be used. Stuff generally ends up in core
because the D runtime needs it, not because it's something that the common
programmer shouldn't be using.

That's largely true, but I would agree with Manu that you shouldn't be using core very often. By its nature of being close to the runtime, it's typically low-level stuff, and so it's only your low-level code which should be using it.

Probably there is some stuff in there which should be moved out of core, or possibly with a safer wrapper in std. I'm particularly thinking of core.bitop, which currently has a mixture of safe and subtly dangerous functions, and only a small part of it is actually required by the runtime.

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