On Sat, 05 Nov 2011 09:34:34 +0100, Somedude wrote:
> A few simple questions/requests:
> 1. Does your library allow to get the resultset by batch of N rows ?
> It's a common requirement for databases that don't have the equivalent
> of the LIMIT clause of MySQL like Oracle. In those DBs, one has to
> resort to cursors to realistically retrieve large resultsets, or to
> write yet again the piece of code to send several successive queries.
> 2. would it be possible to automatically map a resultset to an object,
> maybe without having to resort to a full-fledged ORM, in the style of
> MyBatis (but without XML, preferably) ?
> 3. While we are on the subject of DB driver, did anyone mention the need
> for managing a connexion pool ?
What I'm working on at the moment is the MySQL driver. That does as you 
note have the LIMIT clause so I had no need to do anything special.

I have provided the capability to map rows to a struct. I guess it would 
be possible to do the same with a class provided that all the class data 
members corresponded to columns, or that a subset of them existed as a 
struct with that limitation, or could be identified as candidates in some 

Connection pooling is on my list of things to do.


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