Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
> Why not make it open-source? 

I sort of did. The code was available in my dcode folder and
the source is here:

I have a github account now, but I didn't at the time I wrote
that, so I just dropped the files in web directory.

If I get back into it, I'll make a new github project for it all.

here's my github page with the support modules:

> I'm itching to write a D web newsreader as well. (You'll never > make me use 
> CGI though, mwahaha!) 

Heh. But cgi is really quite nice. And my cgi.d module supports
fastcgi and an embedded http server too. Though my http server
kinda sucks; it's single threaded (uses select() to do 
multiple connections). It does a decent job if each request goes
quickly, but if not, the whole thing can go to a stop.

But I'm not in a big rush to work on it since I like cgi well
enough, and kinda want to wait on Phobos networking to continue

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