"Adam D. Ruppe" <destructiona...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
>I did some bug fixing tonight and changed some features.
> http://arsdnet.net/d-web-site/nntp/thread-index?newsgroup=digitalmars.D
> * The links are all working now. You can view individual posts.
> * It uses cookies to remember your preferences. Name, email, preferred 
> view
> mode, etc.
> * Added collapsed views of the full thread.
> The code seems slow today.
> But:
> http://arsdnet.net/d-web-site/nntp/get-thread?newsgroup=digitalmars.D&messageId=%3Cmailman.959.1321474737.24802.digitalmars-d%40puremagic.com%3E&ordering=ByParent
> and there's an expand link to pull it all up, or you can click the
> individual posts.
> Read vs unread is done with browser history if you click individual
> posts.
> I'm going to try using this to do all my posts for a while.

Hmm, not bad. Personally, I would rename "expand"/"collapse" to "expand 
all"/"collapse all", and replace the "Reply by..." links with a partial 
tree-header view a la mail-archive. But other than that bikeshed paint, 
that's not bad at all.

I did notice though that on some of the threads (such as this "newsgroup web 
viewer" thread), that view results in a 500 error.

And just a minor stylistic thing, this page:


could probably use some horizontal lines (maybe a light grey background on 
every other row?) and a "vertical-align: top;" on each of the cells (If I 
remember my CSS correctly...)

It's definitely starting to look pretty good.

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