On 11/19/2011 06:32 PM, Paulo Pinto wrote:

the code below is what I managed to achieve, but I
do conceed that the D code looks better.

Regarding the efficiency of native code in other languages,
do you consider efficiency the hability to do low level tricks
with the language or generating proper native code?

I have been developing applications in last 10 years in high level
languages and very seldom required to do low level tricks to achieve
what I consider efficient code.

Regarding your example I would rather write a software rasterizer or
code using SIMD instructions or a GPGPU language.

The cast trick you did although quite handy, is the type of language
feature that prevents D to use advanced GC algorithms.

The fact that Nicks example works has no implications for the GC implementation because the two types involved in his reinterpret-casting don't have any indirections.


int* a =...;
int  b = cast(int)a;
int* c = cast(int*)b;
// assert(a == c); // not guaranteed!

The language allows the GC to move around heap data.
What kind of GC would be impossible to implement?

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