On 2011-11-14 22:04, Robert Clipsham wrote:
On 14/11/2011 01:50, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Walter and I have been working on the website for a while. We want to
crystallize a clear message of what the D programming language is.

Please take a look at http://d-programming-language.org/new/. The work
is content-only (no significant changes in style, though collapsible
examples and twitter news are a new style element).

Feedback is welcome.



Another point, partially based on things others have said that I've now

As I mentioned in another post, myself (and many, many others I'm sure)
have the ability to look at a page and automatically find what we want
without reading anything. People visiting dpl.org will be in one of two

- Potential D users
- D users

What they want to see:

= Potential D users
i ) Sample code
ii ) Reasons to use D
iii) Download/try/setup links
iv ) How to find out more

= D users
v ) Download links
vi ) How to get help
vii ) Language reference
viii) Library reference
ix ) News/things of interest
x ) Current version (Do I have the latest and greatest? This will be
less important as the language continues to mature)
xi ) Changelog (see above, less important with time)
xii ) How to get involved.

This is a lot of information to get onto one page, but it can easily be
simplified with a simple bit of knowledge - D users have seen the page

Related note: I can't find any of these by looking at the D front page,
despite having seen it hundreds of times (yes, I know most of it is in
the sidebar, that's not something I see without thinking about it
though, I automatically assume it's just part of the background).

As I'm already a D user I'm looking first for Library reference and Language reference. I mean, if I am a D user I most likely already have a compiler installed and doesn't have to look for that as much as the points.

/Jacob Carlborg

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