On 2011-11-21 20:14, Walter Bright wrote:
On 11/20/2011 11:31 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
Say that both liblzma and ncurses have a module called "util". What
happens if I
want to use both of these libraries in the same application. When I do
util;" which one will the compiler pick?

import liblzma.util;
import ncurses.util;
I suggest there is a root package named after the library. If people
want a
deimos package, that's fine with me as well. But there has to be a
package named
after the library where all modules should be located, except for,
possibly, a
module that imports the whole library.

That already is so. What I objected to was:

No it's not. Have a look at the curses module in the ncurses repository.


It has the following module declaration: "module curses;", which means it will conflict with any other library the has a module with the same name.

import liblzma.D.util;

as pointless.

Yeah, that D package won't to anything good.

/Jacob Carlborg

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