On 2011-11-27 23:30, Walter Bright wrote:
Those are all desirable properties. But the forum software I've seen
throws out what's good about NNTP news forums:

1. Threaded view
2. Being able to mark messages as "read"
3. Being able to quickly scan read vs unread

Just because this may be true for most of the forums doesn't mean it needs to be true if d-p-l.org gets a new forum.

BTW, most forum software is pretty much unreadable on small, mobile
screens because all the real estate is consumed by the borders, avatars,
decorations, gee-gaws, etc. Even text-only reddit blows on the small
screen because the text refuses to reflow.

Then that's just bad design. If the forum is designed correctly there won't be any problem.

/Jacob Carlborg

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