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On 11/28/2011 02:10 AM, so wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 09:11:35 +0200, Jude <10equa...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> "Forums are lame and just "DON'T GET IT" and I don't like them
>> and EVERYONE must agree that my method is superior and use my
>> preferred method" is NOT a valid reason.
>> Most people don't care about your holy wars. I'm done with this
>> topic, it just makes me lose faith in humanity.
> If you are in the mood of losing faith in humanity, go do it on 
> something worthwhile like the wars and famine. Not on something
> insignificant like two ideas on one thing.

It's not the two ideas on one thing that bothered me, it was
(admittedly my mistaken) perceived attitude about it.

Wars, Famine?  They all basically boil down to one thing:
Two people, (or representatives of two people) disagree.

But both are so absolutely certain that they are correct, they do not
even attempt to look at the other side of the coin.
In fact, they will blatantly refuse to even acknowledge the fact that
there is a possibility that they could be wrong.

There will be no compromise, not without threats to accompany it.
Dictators, suicide bombings, the aforementioned wars and famine and
rape and murder...

they all stem from one particular source.
I'm right, my path is holy, what you are doing offends me and
therefore I will restrict your right to do so.

We want your resources, and since we believe that might is right, we
will take it without a second thought to how you feel about this.

My people are superior to yours and therefore should have the right to
enslave you and do with you as we see fit.

My people are genetically superior to yours and therefore we will
eliminate you for the benefit of mankind(read as ourselves). (it's not
a thread without a hitler reference.)

I deserve that apple on the cart, so I take it without a second
thought to how it might affect the cart owner.

It all stems from a misguided sense of superiority.
A lot of people disagree with me on this, but I haven't seen a
compelling argument against it yet.

So when you say that if I want to lose faith in humanity, to look at
x, or y.
I think that deep down, the core of the problem is almost always the
exact same thing.
selfishness, arrogance, and a belief of superiority.
I just like to call it judgement.

Everything else is just variations on a theme.

And with that rather somber note, I must officially excuse myself from
this thread.  My replies have been completely off topic, and I feel
that they have contributed very little, if anything at all.
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