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On 11/28/2011 02:56 AM, so wrote:
> I think you believe something i would say quite naive, as everyone
> have the best intentions, as they just fight for what they believe
> right. Maybe it was the case where we were in caves, it is not
> now.
I'm sorry, I can't tell if you meant that I would believe your idea
naive, or if you believe that my idea is naive.

Either way its probably true. =P
I would tend to believe that the cavemen were a little more pure in
their intentions.  (assuming that they were 'retarded' compared to man
now.  Can someone be blamed for not thinking of others when it is
harder for them to actually think?)
But we are different from cavemen and animals, they act more on

> Everything boils down to one thing IMO, we live in a structure made
> of with the worst of the intentions. We accumulate power to a
> single place and every now and then give it to a mad puppet. (never
> been a decent man had that power, why would a decent man want that
> kind of power?)
On that we agree.  But I wouldn't say never.  There have been decent
people in a position of power.  But they are entirely too few.
> They are doing what they were told, destroying everything in their
> way, and we have to live with its consequences because we are that
> stupid.
Doing what you are told and refusing to acknowledge that your orders
might be wrong is just another form of what I was talking about.
"If I question my orders, I risk losing something of value.
Therefore, my wellbeing trumps other people's wellbeing."
The opinion ends up being that he believes that he is more important
than others.
> They are smart people, far smarter than the mess. They are not
> racist but they profit from racism. It is not the clash of
> opinions, it never was, it is just the clash of profit.

Profit, opinions, they are both just variations on a theme.
"If I do this, I stand to gain wealth.  Me having wealth is greater
than you having life."
It all boils down to the belief that they are more important, and/or
"Because I can profit, this is justifiable." == "Because my god said
so, this is justifiable."
> It was the clash of opinions for dummies like us who just go and
> die for them.

Not sure I understand, but I think I agree.  =P

I don't think the english language really has a word for what I'm
trying to describe.
kind of a combination of selfishness, and judgement.
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