On Thu, 2011-12-01 at 13:39 -0600, Caligo wrote:

I am forced to treat this response as the troll that it is.

> Java is a joke.  Get over it.  Java is a toy language and the only reason
> people and companies have taken it seriously is because so many kids have
> have decided (brainwashed) to play with it.  With enough marketing and
> propaganda you can make people believe whatever you want them to believe.
> Java is also the "blue collar" programming languages, which means
> corporations get to exploit people all around the world in order to make
> even more profits.

Java is the main language of development just now.  D is a tiny little
backwater in the nether regions of obscurity.  If any language is a joke
here, it is D since it is currently unable to claim any serious market
share in the world of development.  The sooner you accept this, the
sooner you can discuss the shortcomings of a language you have no
experience of, by your own admission.

Your point about how languages become popular has some merit, albeit
stated in an overly bigoted fashion.

Your point about exploitation should be aimed at the entirety of the
economic systems of the world.  The systems in the USA, India and China
(the three main economies of the world) rest completely and solely on
exploitation.  It's called capitalism.


> So far I have competed in the ACM ICPC regional programming contests
> twice.  I've met many students there and I've had many teammates, most if
> not all of them Java programmers.  Besides me (I've never actually done any
> Java), I don't know any other C++ programmer in there.  I have seen
> countless problems solved in Java and C++, with Java always being 10-20
> times slower: same problem, same algorithms and/or data structures.
> Whenever I find an article that talks about Java being faster than C++, I
> know it's BS.  You can find fair comparisons at http://www.spoj.pl/

If you have never used Java or never actually investigated the issues as
to when Java is significantly slower than C++ and when it is as fast as
C++ then clearly you have no grounds on which to express any opinion
based on facts, it is just prejudice and bigotry.  Such comments have no
place in any discussion.

> Java is also very sluggish.  I don't exactly know why, but I'm sure it has
> something to do with JVM and/or GC.  Just look at Android and compare it to
> iPhone to see what I mean.  Apps running on the PC written in Java are also
> sluggish: Things like Eclipse and Open Office come to mind.

If you don't know why, how can you make claims that you cannot
substantiate in any way shape or form.

You qualitative assessment of applications such as Eclipse and
OpenOffice relates to the codebase and not the language.  

> Java is a joke.  It's a faith-based ideology.  Get over it.

Clearly you are having a crisis of faith, and so are having to lash out
to protect your ideology.  I am entirely comfortable with my perceptions
of languages, so have no need for such behaviours.  I analyse languages,
consider use in context, and use the most appropriate language for the
job at hand, be it Fortran, C++, C, Ada, Haskell, OCaml, Java, Groovy,
Python, Ruby, Clojure, Lisp, Go.  Perhaps even D. 

Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip: sip:russel.win...@ekiga.net
41 Buckmaster Road    m: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp: rus...@russel.org.uk
London SW11 1EN, UK   w: www.russel.org.uk  skype: russel_winder

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