On 12/03/2011 03:57 PM, Don wrote:
On 01.12.2011 22:24, Buk wrote:
Simple question, though not necessarily a simple answer:

Is D ready for prime time?


1. How stable is the language specification?
2. How stable is the language implementation?

I made a list of major language issues in mid-2009.


The next release (2.057, release in December) implements half of the
remaining items.

3. How stable are the standard library specifications?
4. How stable are the standard library implantations?

The last time I looked was just after the D1/D2 split, and much of the
was being revamped and the rate of changes and deprecations was (IMO)
too high
to consider its use for complex, multi-developer projects.

Looking around the docs here, I see that some of the libraries are due
deprecation early next year. Barring surprises, are they likely to be
the last
major changes?

Thanks for your time, buk.

- Clean up is(XXX) and __traits(XXX) syntax (eg via meta.XXX proposal, Bugzilla:3702).

There is nothing wrong with is(XXX), so what is this about?

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