On 2011-12-04 21:40, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
Jacob Carlborg Wrote:
Maybe you should take a look at SASS, it has if-statements, for-loops,

Yea, I've looked at it before (and like some of the ideas - their lighten, 
etc. functions are nice and I intend to implement them myself as I find the
time - see color.d in that github page.)

But it went a little too far away from the css base for me, and I wanted
something I could more easily customize and integrate with D anyway,
so I did my own.

If you use the SCSS syntax then you can basically choose what SASS specific features you want. For example, use regular CSS + variables. Or regular CSS + mixins. I mean, you're not forced to use any feature. But I can understand you want something integrated with D.

Rails is what I'm using for web development.

Indeed. You've linked me to some stuff before, and I like some of it,
so I'm stealing a few of their ideas :)

Yeah, I think it's a good framework and there's plenty of stuff to steal from it. I have looked at other frameworks, in other languages, PHP and Python for example. But these frameworks just look like bad implementations of Rails. They're not as good as Rails, or have syntax that look as good as Rails', usually because the languages are lacking in some way (or several ways).

That message was more aimed toward Nick or any other lurker who,
like me, might find the Rails end to go a bit too far away from our comfort

Hehe, I see.

/Jacob Carlborg

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