On Wed, 07 Dec 2011 09:54:08 +0000
Russel Winder <rus...@russel.org.uk> wrote:

> On Wed, 2011-12-07 at 20:27 +1100, Andrew Gough wrote:
> [...]
> > I think the build tool question is in need of the same level of high
> > level design and support that Steve Teale is working on for
> > std.database/std.sql.
> I am not sure I quite get that, sorry.

I'm suggesting that the current multi-pronged approach to providing a
workable build system is hampered by the multitude of directions and
could benefit from some initial discussion, consensus and design.

> > It seems there is SCons support (python), CMake, Orbit (Ruby), DSSS
> > (D1 only?), xfbuild, dake, rdmd options - I've added preliminary D
> > support to premake.
> As far as I am aware the C, C++, Fortran communities use Make,
> Autotools, SCons, CMake or Waf.  I suspect they have never heard of
> DSSS, xfbuild, dake or rdmd ;-)

I agree that it would be good to use a tool with support for multiple
languages & platforms.  I was trying to point out that the multitude of
options is potentially harmful.

> > Would it be a good idea to thrash out the arguments for/against a
> > particular tool, and build/support just one?  The community doesn't
> > seem big enough to be so fragmented.  Java has Ant, Scala has sbt  -
> > surely D should have a canonical build tool?
> I use SCons for much of my builds of LaTeX, C, C++, Fortran, Haskell,
> D, OCaml, etc.  It works nicely for multi-target, multi-platform
> builds.  I use Waf for "ship the source, compile on installation"
> FOSS projects.  I have given up on Autotools.  CMake's language is
> dreadful so I only use that if necessary.
> Java has Gradle, Maven, Gant, and Ant.  Using Ant for builds is like
> using assembly language to create GUI applications -- possible but not
> recommended.

Simple Ant scripts are easy, but XML is a very bad choice for a build
system IMO 

> Scala has sbt because the Scala community couldn't abide the
> multi-languages approach, everything has to be Scala.  Clojure has a
> similar philosophy and hence Leiningen.
> Sure D can use D as the build specification language and follow the
> inward looking Scala and Clojure approaches of creating a new tool for
> build.  But that is just trying to create a closed system.  Is this
> closed approach really what the D community wants to do -- is
> following the Scala and Clojure philosophy desirable?

Not really what I was suggesting - I was hoping to discuss
consolidating effort around a small set of tools, rather than the
current state.

> The advantage of Gradle and Maven as build tools for JVM based systems
> is that you can write multi-lingual systems and build them.  Java,
> Scala, Groovy, JRuby, Clojure -- all can be used in a single system.
> sbt has problems with this since it assumes all source is Scala (more
> or less).  The Java community is rapidly giving up its "Java is all
> you need" attitude and is looking positively at the polyglot approach.
> D sits in a context of C, C++, Fortran (possible others?) which means
> something like SCons, Waf and CMake which has support for all these
> already baked in seems like a "less work" way forward.
> So the strategy is one of:
> Do we work with a build framework that exists and already allows
> serious build using D; or


> do we start from scratch with a new build framework that no-one can
> use till something is ready?

Possibly (if necessary)

I thought it important to have a discussion first to determine the
requirements and use cases, and concentrate effort rather than
disperse it.

Andrew Gough
M: 0408 596 656

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