On 12/13/11 3:00 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2011-12-13 20:24, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
On Tuesday, 13 December 2011 at 17:47:30 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
If I recall correctly Walter has said he will continue to support D1
as long as there are users.

Will you really be still using D1 one year from now? Even then, why
would you need official ongoing support from DigitalMars so much?

Well, I don't know. I don't think D2/Phobos is usable in its current state.

I think you're exaggerating a bit. At any rate, we sure know what to do to improve on that.

For some perspective: the move to GitHub was less than one year ago. I
was actually surprised of this when I revisited D's history recently,
since it felt like a lot longer. The relative amount of progress done in
this year alone is staggering.

Apparently not, when Andrei really wants something he just decides
without consulting the community.

Sorry, but demanding that others spend their time to serve a minority
when that time could be better spent to serve a majority seems rather
selfish to me.

I think it's selfish to decide for the hole community.

Well the word "selfish" is not appropriate here because the decision does not bring me any benefit. Perhaps you meant "arrogant" or "conceited".

I understand how you might see things that way, but please trust me on this one. It is the right thing do do, and the short-term difficulty will be greatly rewarded in the long run.



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