"Steven Schveighoffer" <schvei...@yahoo.com> wrote in message 
> relax, Nick :)  Read my implicitly tongue in cheek reply again.  I'll 
> stress *Netscape Navigator*.  And I think all the "upgrade your browser" 
> replies were TIC.

I misread the netscape reference as sarcasm. Today's not a good day for me 
in general, for unrelated reasons.

>> Fuck, how dare I have *any* problem with anything that's popular. Imagine
>> the *nerve* of that asshole Nick who stubburnly *refuses* to be thrilled
>> with twitter!! After all it's new and popular! Let's stone that goddamn
>> old-fasionioned motherfucker for not being the good little corporate
>> trend-whore he's expected to be!!
> I have nothing against your personal opinion, you are certainly allowed to 
> express it (and I'm more amused than shocked at your vile hatred towards 
> everything trendy :).

It's not so much "everything trendy" that I have a problem with as:

- Blind embracement of trends.
- Ostracization and/or contempt towards anyone/anything that fails to 
blindly embrace all trends.
- Certain specific trends.

> But shunning popular avenues of social networking  is not the way to 
> spread the word about D.

If D wants a twit feed and a link to it or whatever, then whatever. I just 
don't think prominent corporate branding is appropriate on the frontpage 
unless it's something directly connected (Digital Mars would be appropriate, 
for example). Any other complaints I have about social networking or 
whatever else aren't really about spreading word of D anyway, but rather 
spreading word of sensible software design.

> You would not make a good  marketing director :)

Indeed. I would insist on giving potential users credit for basic 
intelligence rather then treating them like, and catering exclusively to, 
sheep. But doing so would limit me to a very small niche market. :/

I do get what you're saying though. I normally compare it to salesmanship 
instead: I'd make a terrible commission-based salesman, a fact I take pride 

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