On 12/21/11 20:13, Kagamin wrote:
>> Turned out not to be a good idea, as the compiler silently accepts
>> "shared private static this() {...}" and does not emit the dead code anymore.
>> But.. this constructor is run together with the un-shared ones, ie possibly
>> _after_ them... (this is not section-gc specific, happens w/o it too)
> try `private shared static this()`
> AFAIK static ctors have some attribute ordering issue.

Was going to follow up with exactly this.

"private shared static this() { p("shared ctor2"); }"

is a shared constructor

"shared private static this() { p("shared ctor2"); }"

is not, but the compiler won't even warn you about this.

(in this case gdc, but i assume it's not gdc specific)
>> import std.stdio;
>> /* gcfuncdata2.d is a copy of this module, w/o main() */
>> import gcfuncdata2;
>> auto p(S...)(S args) { return stdout.writeln(__FILE__~": ", args); }
>> void main(string[] args){ p("main"); }
>> static this() { p("ctor1"); }
>> static this() { p("ctor2"); }
>> shared static this() { p("shared ctor1"); }
>> shared static this() { p("shared ctor2"); }
>> static ~this() { p("dtor1"); }
>> static ~this() { p("dtor2"); }
>> shared static ~this() { p("shared dtor1"); }
>> shared static ~this() { p("shared dtor2"); }
>> unittest { p("unittest1"); }
>> unittest { p("unittest2"); }
> Also add class static ctors and function static variables.

But what would be the point? They should be GCed if unused and emitted,
and wont be if something references them.


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