On Wednesday, 28 December 2011 at 16:01:50 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2011-12-27 03:01, dsimcha wrote:
By a vote of 14-0, Jonas Drewsen's CURL wrapper (std.net.curl) has been
accepted into Phobos. Thanks to Jonas for his hard work and his
persistence through the multiple rounds of review that it took to get this module up to Phobos's high and increasing quality standard.

Keep the good work coming. Next in line, if it's ready, is Jacob Carlborg's std.serialize. Jacob, please post here when you've got
something ready to go.

Project page (two tutorials): http://dsource.org/projects/orange
Repository: https://github.com/jacob-carlborg/orange



(Don't forget the "Package" tab)

Unit tests are available in the "tests" directory. These unit tests are not like regular unit tests that test individual functions. These unit tests are on a higher level.

The most important part to review is the "serialization" package. The rest is mostly utility modules.

After I quick look:

I think that all other modules/packages under the orange package should either be integrated into other existing phobos modules or as new
phobos modules since they are really not serialization specific.

Furthermore I think that all suppport for tango in the code should be stripped before going into phobos.


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