On 8/01/12 4:11 AM, Walter Bright wrote:
On 1/7/2012 4:12 PM, Peter Alexander wrote:
The main advantage of Lua for game code (in my opinion) is runtime
and the ability to avoid recompiles just to test some new game logic.
That's not
so easy with C++.

D is far faster at compiling than C++.

True, but:

- It's not orders of magnitude faster. You still have to wait for a re-compile of large projects.

- Linking takes just as much time as compiling.

- Can't account for the time it takes to boot your application back up after compiling and get back into the state you were in when you wanted to make the change.

- Also, DMD is slow at optimising. http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=7157

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