On 1/7/2012 10:57 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Not exactly the most informed discussion.

Well, some of their comments _ARE_ spot-on correct...

2. "While you can avoid the garbage collector, that basically means you can't use most of the standard library." Looks pretty darn correct to me -- from the fixed-size array literal issue (literals are on the GC heap), to all the string operations (very little is usable), to associative arrays (heck, they're even part of the language, but you can't use them without a GC), etc...

3. "The community really has a Java feel to it. They often don't care as much for efficiency as say a C++ programmer would." I'm pretty darn sure this is referring to #7, and I think it's pretty accurate. SP programmers should /know/ what they're doing, so not letting them delete GC'd objects manually is kinda stupid, and a pretty Java-like approach. Looks well-informed to me.

4. "Binary sizes are currently stupid. A simple hello program with DMD is over half a megabyte and with GDC, is nearly 1.4mB. This is mostly because it will not dynamically link to phobos (see below). They're working on this... This isn't the fault of the language." Looks pretty darn informed. You guys _are_ working on this, and this /has/ been an issue, and it obviously isn't the language's fault, so....

5. "Has poor shared library support (although this has grown significantly)." Looks 100% correct. Not sure what they mean by "there are symbol resolution problems because of the GC", but it's true that shared library support is poor right now, isn't it?

7. Unstable language. They're currently considering doing things like removing "delete" as it's apparently deprecated (which will officially make it not usable as an SP language). Looks 100% correct. Removing 'delete' /does/ make D unusable as an SP language... unless you ignore the GC completely, which isn't even possible, practically speaking.

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