On Sun, 08 Jan 2012 18:28:54 -0500, Mehrdad <wfunct...@hotmail.com> wrote:

7. Unstable language. They're currently considering doing things like removing "delete" as it's apparently deprecated (which will officially make it not usable as an SP language). Looks 100% correct. Removing 'delete' /does/ make D unusable as an SP language... unless you ignore the GC completely, which isn't even possible, practically speaking.

C doesn't have delete.

But removing delete isn't the problem anyways. Here is the problem (which exists with delete present in the language):

class C
   private int[] buf;
   this() { buf = new int[5]; }
   ~this() {/* can't destroy buf here */}

void main()
   auto c = new C;
   delete c; // doesn't destroy c.buf

What we need is a way to hook deterministic destruction vs. GC destruction. Only then, a SP language will you be.


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