Am 16.01.2012 23:28, schrieb Simen Kjærås:
To make it all the easier for those who want to make games in D?

Then they can get my lib easily from bitbucket.

IMO, we should have vectors, matrices, quaternions and all those other
neat things easily accessible in the language (dual quaternions? Are they
used in games?)

The question is, what's the aim of phobos, including everything?, including the basics?, so you can implement nearly everything on top of it (similiar to pythons)? or beeing minimalistic as possible? I get the impression, phobos tries to include everything possible, yeah I am pointing at curl (wtf, a c-lib, not even a D implementation, also you need libcurl now to get phobos compiled (correct me if I am wrong here)). IMHO a std.-lib should include just the basics, so you can build ontop of it. Including gl3n into phobos would be a real honor for me, but is the goal of phobos to include everything and to ship a fat lib (lol, reminds me a bit of boost) with dmd, or even call it the power of D, an overloaded std.-lib?

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