Walter Bright Wrote:

> On 1/18/2012 1:27 PM, Patrick Stewart wrote:
> > How about putting equal effort in keeping existing D users? There is more
> > than one blogs online of ex D users with some pretty solid arguments why 
> > they
> > abandoned D. And those args are usually not some missing shiny feature X but
> > feature Y D already has but it is broken.
> I do attach far more importance to that than to reasons people who never used 
> D 
> do not use D.
> > Just saying focusing on bright future is not excuse to forget about 
> > imperfect
> > now.
> I'm not saying it is.
> The point is, we have limited resources. We have to put those resources where 
> they will have the most effect.

Would you argue that standardizing and finishing language core is first step 
and library is next?

Also, I would argue that resources are not limited as in modest, but wasted. 

I am sorry to see many D community projects and libraries dead as they are 
targeted for D1 and not portable to D2, or just locked to specific version of D 
and not transferable to latest version due some bug.

I think it is possible for community to make all necessary libraries and tools 
once the D is "carved in stone". I suppose D1 is attempt to do that, but not 
having ready substitute yet (D2 not working as advertised) and D1's clock 
ticking away, it is risky gamble to say at least.

To put it plain and simple, I have strong feeling D development is motivated by 
desire to add latest ideas and features and not by desire to produce practical 
and stable tool.

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